Data Mining
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) of activities on internal and external sites to reduce and optimize the manual work of your operation.
Achieve increased speed, efficiency and security in your processes.
∴ Search in credit bureaus, external websites or internal bases;
∴ Information is electronically inserted on websites;
∴ Main automations for consigned payroll loan.
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Increase your productivity using robotic automation of manual activities!
intelligence and technology to automate and optimize processes
Main Sources for consultation (Brazilian market):
Federal Revenue Service for individuals and legal entities; Serasa for individuals, Infobusca; OAB SP and MG; JUCESP; BOVESPA; SUSEP; TSE; SIMEI; Inquiries on lawsuits in the 1st and 2nd District Courts of Justice; Inquiries about processes in 26 Brazilian Trade Boards.
Consigned Payroll Loan Automation:
Inquiry on margin, recurrence and annotation.
We automate the main public agreements and city halls.
Financial market:
Other markets:
Contact a consultant!
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